Fast Your Way To Success

Raymond Ovietare
5 min readAug 26, 2021


Do you know that one of the most powerful but least used spiritual practice is fasting?

Fasting has been recognized to bring immense spiritual, physical and emotional benefits to thousands of people who have embraced this spiritual discipline on a short or long-term basis.

Some naturopaths, nutritionists and spiritual leaders have over the years enumerated the list of benefits we can derive from fasting and encourage us to make this spiritual practice a lifestyle.

Paracelcus, a 15th century physician, defined fasting as “ the greatest remedy, the physician within”.

In 1946, a group of Christians in San Diego, gathered together to go on a long fast. They drank only water. This fast was between 21 days and 60 days based on the belief of the various members of the church.

The result of this fasting and prayer exercise was amazing. As the story was told in the book, Atomic power with God, written by Franklin Hall, “Many miracles of healing were performed by the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus. Demons were cast out, lunatics healed, cancers disappeared, the blind saw, the crippled walked, stomach ulcers disappeared, palsy was quieted, tuberculosis healed, asthma, bronchitis, the smoking and drinking habits were given up and many more sicknesses vanished. Scores of folk were baptized at the altars”.

These are some the spiritual and health benefits that you stand to gain, when you fast.

I recall my first 7-day water fast. It started with the usual hunger pangs for the first 3 days. The hunger reduced as the days continued until it disappeared totally. I felt so good and full of vibrant energy. I slept little but felt rejuvenated. My prayer life skyrocketed and my faith to achieve my goals was vastly increased. I believed that nothing was impossible for me.

Fasting begins with you having a genuine reason why you would love to embark on the spiritual journey. It is something you need to think about deeply. What is your purpose for fasting? What do you intend to achieve after the fast?

Are you setting aside time to fellowship so that you can get a miracle? Are you seeking solutions for health challenges, financial turmoil or a personal problem that has defied solution? Then, I advise you to try fasting and prayer.

What is fasting? Fasting is a deliberate abstinence from physical gratification, most especially food, to achieve a physical and spiritual benefit. Some people abstain from water and food for a few days. This is called “dry or total fast”. There is also a partial fast. This is when you skip a meal or two as you as you spend time communing with your creator throughout your fast duration.

Please, I encourage you to seek medical advice before embarking on any type of fast.


1. We fast because God commands us in the Holy scriptures to do so. This spiritual practice is not found only in the Christian religion but is very evident in the Buddhist, Mohammedan and other eastern religions.

2. We fast to humble ourselves before God to attain grace for supernatural speed in manifesting our physical goals. When, we realize that the world we live in, is both a spiritual and physical one, we then understand how fasting can be an effective spiritual tool for leveraging our way to greater success in life.

3. We fast to get rid of long-standing toxic habits and behaviours. There are habits that have become detrimental to our success. We may have been struggling with it for years. All forms of medical therapy may have failed. Fasting may just be the ultimate cure for the toxic habit and behaviour. It is a time to surrender your weakness to God and exchange it for divine or supernatural strength.

4. Fasting helps in detoxifying and rejuvenating the body. Many poisonous substances that cause illnesses in the body are eradicated easily during a fast. Fresh energy is released in the body and cellular rejuvenation is experienced.


Great spiritual leaders made fasting, a lifestyle. The benefits derived from this discipline were innumerable.

1. Fasting gives mental clarity. From my personal experience, I realized that my thinking process was faster and sharper after a few days of fasting and prayer. I could read and understand things faster. I could write great articles with incredible ease and speed.

2. Fasting enhances the sharpness of your memory. If you are finding it difficult to remember important information, try fasting. The brain seems to perform better in helping you remember things after a prolonged rest or fast.

3. Fasting promotes peace of mind. After a few days of fast, you will discover that your mind becomes calm. The flood of thoughts which normally bombard your mind, every second would have reduced to a barest minimum. You become more of an observer of these thoughts than allowing them to influence every decision you make. It helps you to act from a place of strength than of weakness.

4. Fasting sharpens your ability to concentrate on a purpose, idea or activity for a long time. It helps you attain peak performance in your daily endeavour. Your mind becomes calm as a result of regular fasting, and you will be able to concentrate better and become more productive in your daily activity.

5. Fasting can help you attain easy weight loss. The pharmaceutical and nutrition industries are bursting in the seams with unlimited number of drugs, foods, therapies for weight loss but obesity seems not to be leaving the stage of life in a hurry. Some of the weight loss drugs come with side effects which could lead to other health problems.

Fasting has been proven to be an effective weight loss therapy. Every time you deny yourself food for a few days, you naturally lose weight. It is easy to lose weight but maintaining your new weight is dependent on your ability to change your eating habits.

6. Fasting produces miracles in your life. No one has seen gravity but we all believe in the law of gravity. We see the effect of this law. Fasting seems to accelerate the law of attraction in our lives. When we fast, we clear our psychic or magnetic field of negative energies. This makes us become more magnetic to attracting positive energies in the form of joy, prosperity, healing, peace, tolerance, abundance, good fortune and wisdom.

Who doesn’t want these types of energies around them? No doubt, fasting works if you work it out. But, be easy on yourself. Find a fasting program that suits your body type, temperament and health status.

If you want to learn how to fast or are interested in embarking on an instant miracle fast, you can click here.



Raymond Ovietare
Raymond Ovietare

Written by Raymond Ovietare

I help people grow mentally, spiritually, relationally, and financially through my writings.

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