3 Things Prophet T.B Joshua taught me.

Raymond Ovietare
2 min readJun 12, 2021


The millions of followers of the late Prophet T.B Joshua are still in tears and a state of shock, following his sudden demise.

No doubt, he was a very successful preacher, pastor, television evangelist, philosopher, author and a passionate philantrophist. In the midst of media attacks from his critics and percieved enemies, his laser-like focus on propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ and helping the poor, aged, widows, widowers, helpless was incredible.

In my years of observing the growth and impact of his ministry on millions of people around the globe, I learnt these three traits in his life:


T.B Joshua was an embodiment of humility in his public and private life. I could see this humility in the way he talked, walked and communicated with people.

In the book, “In the words of Prophet T.B Joshua” , it states :

“Hate or love him; there is always something good to learn from every human that has walked, is walking and will walk the face of the earth.

One striking attribute about T.B Joshua was his amazing and deep sense of humility. This was his pattern from childhood. Having lost his earthly father at an early age and brought up by his mother, his innocence was not marred by the storms of life which he had to face, as he grew up. His growth was a journey with a sense of purpose.

True greatness takes its roots from deep humility. No human being can achieve more unless he or she has emptied themselves for the divine to walk through”.


Prophet T.B Joshua lived a profoundly simple life. While most of his religious contemporaries where busy living austacious lives and flying around in private jets, at the expense of their followers’ contributions, he chose a purantical lifestyle. His passion was to win souls for Christ and help the less priviledged.

His simplicity was expressed in his sermons, dress sense and demeanor.He lost himself in the service to humanityso that Christ would be fully formed in him.


Giving is living. This is the ideal,T.B Joshua lived and died for. His acts of generosity knew no boundaries. It was blind to race, color, religion and tribe. He gave to his church members, non-church members, non-christians, pagans,strangers, the aged and destitutes. His secret philantrophy far outweighed the public philantrophy that was supported by Emmanuel TV.

His life has deeply impacted many and he has left a giant foot print on the sands of time, that would be difficult to fill, in many years to come.

His last words to humanity,was “watch and pray”.



Raymond Ovietare
Raymond Ovietare

Written by Raymond Ovietare

I help people grow mentally, spiritually, relationally, and financially through my writings.

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